Directed by Hill Goldsmith, Professor of Psychology and Investigator at the Waisman Center


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Study schematic: Who & when


wdt_ID Term Description
1 At Attention study, nontwin 3rd grade sample followed from J. Dannemiller collaboration
2 Conte 3 Follow up interview at age 12-18yrs of birth-3yr GEO study
3 Conte 3 imaging All MZ sample who completed Conte 3 interview and birth-3 yr GEO study
4 co-twin A twin's rating of his or her co-twin.
5 data table A database table containing raw item level data.
6 calc table Database table containing summary scale scores, usually means, sums, or group assignment.
8 coins table Raw data exported from COINS as part of the RDoC imaging study and imported in our database (Web-based collection).
9 coinscalc table Database table containing summary scale scores applied to data collected in COINS for the RDoC imaging study.
10 Phase 1 Interview and surveys with parents at twin age 2-3 years.
11 Phase 2 Surveys with parents at twin age 6-8 years.
12 Phase 3 Interviews, surveys, behavioral assessment, cortisol, birth records, cognitive assessment, DNA with parents, twins, and siblings at twin age 6-10 years.
13 Phase 4 Interviews, surveys, behavioral assessment, cortisol, cognitive assessment with parents, twins, and siblings at twin age 12-14 years.
14 Phase 5 Interviews and surveys with parents and twins aged 15-18 years.
15 Phase 6/ Old Conte 3 Neuroimaging, behavioral assessment, and surveys with all MZ sample age 12-18 years, enriched for discordance from earlier psychopathology studies.
16 RDoC Imaging Neuroimaging, behavioral assessment, and surveys with parents and twins aged 13-23 years.
17 RDoC Interview Interviews and surveys with parents and twins aged 15-18 years.
20 Screener Psychopathology screening interview with primary caregiver at twin age 7 years.
21 SD Sensory defensiveness study with behavioral observation, interviews, and surveys with parents and twins at twin age 4.5 years.
23 tables ending with _t Self-ratings from twin.
24 tables ending with _at Self-ratings from adult twins.
25 user table Database table containing data compiled from various sources. Often containing variables created by researchers and imported to database for general use.
26 Variable decoding, scales Scale variables follow the naming structure as follows: 2 digit instrument + 2 digit scale + 1 digit respondent + 1 o2 2 digit phase + s(sum) or m(mean).
27 Variable decoding, raw data items Raw item level data is named as follows: 2 digit instrument + 2 digit scale where appropriate + 3 digit item + respondent. Phase is not depicted in item level data because most item level data analyses are not conducted across phases.
28 Arch table Database table containing very early data from before large birth cohorts were tested (e.g., Kathy Lemery dissertation samples). These tables exist in the database and data file builder tools, but are not currently listed in the metadata tool below.

User Information

All data stored in the Goldsmith SQL database are included in this tool. Data are also available in our National Data Archive collection #2105.  Please see staff for other data.
